MGS+ Security Data Services – Intelligence Planning – MGS+ Report


Intelligence Planning (IP) occurs continuously while intelligence collection and production plans are updated as a result of previous requirements being satisfied and new requirements being identified.

A conceptual model of the intelligence process

Planning and Direction.
Definition: Planning and Direction. In intelligence usage, the determination of intelligence requirements, development of appropriate intelligence architecture, preparation of a collection plan, issuance of orders and requests to information collection agencies.


IP and direction is best understood as the development of intelligence plans and the continuous management of their execution.
Planning and direction activities include, but are not limited to:
the identification and prioritization of intelligence requirements;
the development of concepts of intelligence operations and architectures required to support the action or task;
tasking subordinate intelligence elements for the collection of information or the production of finished intelligence;
submitting requests for additional capabilities to higher review;
and submitting requests for collection, exploitation, or all-source production support to external, supporting intelligence entities.


Intelligence Requirements and Information Requirements Planning
Categories of Intelligence Products:
Warning; Current; General; Target; Scientific Technical; Counterintelligence; Estimative; Identity

  • Warning intelligence
  • Current intelligence
  • General intelligence
  • Target intelligence
  • Scientific and technical intelligence
  • Counterintelligence
  • Estimative intelligence
  • Identity intelligence


Intelligence Requirements and Information Requirements Planning
Levels of Intelligence:
Strategic; Operational; Tactical


Strategic – Senior Leaders; Managers
Assist in developing strategy and policy.
Monitor the international or global situation.
Assist in developing plans.
Assist in determining major systems and structure requirements.
Support the conduct of strategic operations.


Operational – Senior Leaders; Managers
Focus on capabilities and intentions of threats and vulnerabilities
Analyze the operational environment.
Identify adversary centers of gravity and critical vulnerabilities.
Monitor events in the areas of interest.


Tactical – Managers
Support the planning and conduct of joint campaigns or efforts.
Support planning and the execution of attacks, defense, engagements, and other joint force activities.
Provide information on imminent threats and changes in the operational environment.
Provide obstacle intelligence.


Intelligence Requirements and Information Requirements Planning
Principles of Joint Intelligence:
Perspective; Synchronization; Integrity; Effort Singularity; Prioritization; Excellence; Prediction; Agility; Collaboration; Fusion

  • Perspective (Think like the adversary.)
  • Synchronization (Synchronize intelligence with plans and operations.)
  • Integrity (Remain intellectually honest.)
  • Unity of Effort (Cooperate to achieve a common end state.)
  • Prioritization (Prioritize requirements based on authoritative guidance.)
  • Excellence (Strive to achieve the highest standards of quality.)
  • Prediction (Accept the risk of predicting adversary intentions.)
  • Agility (Remain flexible and adapt to changing situations.)
  • Collaboration (Leverage expertise of diverse analytic resources.)
  • Fusion (Exploit all sources of information and intelligence.)


Intelligence Requirements and Information Requirements Planning
Attributes of Intelligence Excellence:
Anticipatory; Timely; Accurate; Usable; Complete; Relevant; Objective; Available

  • Anticipatory
  • Timely
  • Accurate
  • Usable
  • Complete
  • Relevant
  • Objective
  • Available


Intelligence Requirements and Information Requirements Planning
Principles for Interorganizational Intelligence Collaboration:

  • Establish strong relationship networks.
  • Build mutual trust and respect for colleagues.
  • Share a common vision.
  • Minimize territorial issues.
  • Establish continuous communication.
  • Eliminate impediments.


Tags: MG Strategy+ Corporate,MG Strategy+ Security Intelligence,MGS+ Reports,Threat Intelligence,Threat Intelligence Data,Threat Intelligence Information,Threat Intelligence Platforms,